Monday, May 21, 2012

Titanic Commemorative Dinner

Pictured above is Marc Anderson, project director of Titanic 100, and his lovely wife Catriona on the red carpet at the Commodore Hotel. Marc and Catriona were attending the Cobh & Harbour Chamber's annual dinner and, boy, don't the two of them cut a dash! 

Given the year we are in, the Chamber themed their dinner as a Titanic commemorative event. It was a great affair; the menu was a recreation of a menu available on-board the Titanic and while guests sat at their tables they were entertained by a string quartet. Many of the guests turned up in period costume and you couldn't help but feel transported back to a bygone age. Guest speaker at the event was Minister Simon Coveney TD who paid tribute to all those who perished but also commented strongly on Cobh's links to Titanic and how out of such a tragedy so much good and positive things have come. Well said!!!

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